In a city such as Vancouver where the price of housing costs in substantially high and with Vancouver being rated as one of the top two costliest cities in Canada to live in, housing accommodation can be difficult. This means high rent, smaller area per square footage to reside in the closer you are located to the city’s core. For years, people have either moved further away from the city into more suburban areas or opted to live in small and/or older sized housing options such as apartments, town houses, basements or turn to room sharing options to survive the high costs of rent and mortgage payments.
At Dreamville Homes, we build the laneway homes of your dreams. We work with you to bring your vision to life from beginning to end and work with you to plan, design and build your custom laneway detachment as per your space and area requirements and budget in mind. If you own a home property and would like to earn extra income and make a long- term investment, call us today. The best investment you will ever make will be the one on your home, so maximize your return and make it a worthwhile one. With years of custom home and laneway house building in Vancouver, we are the pro’s at Dreamville Homes.
You’ll receive a response
from a specialist within
24 hours.
Your renovation covered with
Our industry leading
We will not be undersold
on any renovation.
There’s absolutely no
pressure or commitment to buy.
Ready to build your Dream Home?
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